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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1. Describe your featured media and how it will enhance the user’s life and experience; 

            My media gadget, is a ski binding that tells you if anything is wrong with the ski (things need to be tightened etc…).  This will enhance the user’s ski life and experience, because it will decrease the amount of ski injuries or accidents that are caused by malfunctions in the ski.  This binding also has a part that prevents ankle injuries in skiers, if the skier happens to fall, and the binding would rotate with the way the skiers ankle moves, so it won’t result in an injury.  

2. Outline the elements this invention retrieves from past technologies; 

            The new Atomic EBM, has taken old binding technology and enhanced it, it also has taken ski accident statistics, and found out what many of the causes were.  It took those results and tried to decrease the amounts of ankle and binding injuries.  It incorporated a ski technician into your binding, because it tells you if anything needs to be fixed etc… 

3. State what this new media will obsolesce;

            It won’t take anything out completely, but it will decrease the amount of injuries, and how many times a person would need to take their skis in, to be adjusted.

4. Define what factors this invention will reverse when pushed to its outer limit.  

            Eventually all the skiers in the world, should have this piece of technology, because it will benefit all the skiers, young or old.